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Dawn of a new year. What does 2014 hold for ordinary Papua New Guineans and their dreams for a better life?


Deputy PM Namah leads security operation to 'arrest' Chief Justice

24/05/2012 15:13
  PNG's controversial Deputy PM Belden Namah.   Papua New Guinea’s constitutional crisis has hit a new low with Deputy Prime Minister Belden Namah marching into the Supreme Court...

Sir Mekere gives full support to Loani Henao for Moresby Northwest

19/05/2012 00:05
  PRESS RELEASE The Member for Moresby North-West and Minister for Public Enterprises, Sir Mekere Morauta, today handed a personal cheque for K1000 to Mr Loani Henao to pay his...

NEC authorises new special-purpose company for Yonki expansion

18/05/2012 00:14
  PRESS RELEASE The Minister for Public Enterprises, Sir Mekere Morauta, said today National Executive Council had authorised the creation of a special-purpose company within PNG Power,...

NEC endorses progress report on Port Moresby waterfront

18/05/2012 00:04
    PRESS RELEASE The Minister for Public Enterprises, Sir Mekere Morauta, said today that National Executive Council had endorsed a progress report from PNG Ports on future...
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