
Bigeye tuna overfished in the Pacific, warns report

15/01/2012 16:25
The bigeye tuna is a species that is being overfished in the Pacific. Picture courtesy of Greenpeace   The bigeye tuna is being overfished in the Pacific and its harvesting should be reduced by 32 per cent to ensure its long-term sustainability, a scientific report has...

Biodiversity not under PNG government's spotlight, says researcher

06/01/2012 00:10
A Greenpeace anti-logging campaign tag advocating the protection of New Guinea's rainforest.   The Papua New Guinea government has not done enough to acquire customary land to conserve the country’s biodiversity, says Port Moresby-based think tank Nation Research Institute...

Men at center of alleged PNG-Indonesia collaboration granted bail

30/12/2011 20:53
Abraham Kareni:  "I couldn’t explain because he didn’t respond with words but with his fists". Picture courtesy of West Papua Media Alerts   Four men at the centre of allegations that Papua New Guinea authorities arrested them at the request of Indonesia have been granted...

O'Neill government lacked evidence to deport New Zealander

29/12/2011 15:50
  The O’Neill government today admitted that it did not have evidence to support its deportation of New Zealander and close Somare confidant Graham Osborne from Papua New Guinea. Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs, Trade and Immigration Jamie Maxtone-Graham told PNG commercial radio...

Somare refuses to back down amidst plea by unions to end stalemate or face stopwork

17/12/2011 09:22
Reinstated PNG Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare has refused to back down.   Supreme Court-reinstated Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare has refused to back down saying he heads the legitimate government of Papua New Guinea. Speaking at a press conference in Port Moresby, the veteran...

Papua New Guinea Issues in Perspective brings you the Supreme Court decisions that reinstated Somare

16/12/2011 13:57
     The key players: PNG's veteran MP Sir Michael Somare, Chief Justice Sir Salamoa who chaired the Supreme Court bench which reinstated Sir Michael and Parliament's elected PM Peter O'Neill.    The Papua New Guinea Supreme Court on Monday 12 December reinstated...

K136 million released in a single day to 'nulify' vote of no confidence challenge

12/12/2011 08:57
Papua New Guinea's 109-seat parliament where the Somare government managed to fight off a vote of no confidence last year.   The Somare government released K136 million ($A54 million) in a single day last year to muster political support to fight off a vote of no confidence...

Supreme Court defers decision on legitimacy of the O'Neill government

09/12/2011 14:46
Security was tight outside the court precincts at Waigani in Port Moresby. Picture courtesy of Louise Lane   The Papua New Guinea Supreme Court has deferred its decision on the legitimacy of the O’Neill government to Monday 12 December. An urgent application by Prime Minister Peter...

The people of Goilala work towards turning a new chapter

30/11/2011 12:53
Two Tauwade dancers put the finishing touches before they perform at the University of PNG to mark the launch of the Goilala Foundation and website. Picture courtesy of   Nestled between the borders of Morobe and Oro provinces and characterised by steep mountains, deep...

Media freedom group concerned at PNG defamation suits

24/11/2011 15:19
Former PNG Prime Minister Sir Michael Somare laughs off the front page story of the March 1, 2007 edition of the Post-Courier which reported on the call by civil society members for Sir Michael to step down over the Moti Affair. The former PM was a strong critic of the...
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